Monday, March 1, 2010

Lighthouse Review


In this episode Matt, Steve & Guest James discuss and theorize about the episode
Lighthouse. Lounge segment included


1 comment:

Manuel Noah said...

Just kind of rethinking something you guys talked about in your podcast:
Clair speaks of her "father" and her "friend". We see her "father" as her father (Christian) and her "friend" as Locke. Clair seems to see her father (Christian) as her "father" while she sees Locke as being some other thing (her "friend"). Was Christian really her father or was that smoky pretending to be her father? If it was smoky, why isn't smoky pretending to be Locke (surely Clair would know and trust Locke more easily than a "possessed" Locke the way she seems to know and trust Jin)?